ABOUT TimeboxHeritage

We do a nice job of mixing art and design with history, specialising in creatively driven educational branding, aiming to provide a bold and individual impact. Our books and guide books are designed for the practical use of visitors, tourists & school children entering into any educational environment, and in general terms we are interested in producing materials to museums, visitor centres and wildlife parks.
Our Skill-sets
We are an agency of skilled professionals with a large reservoir of experience in Educational History, Graphic Design, Copy-writing, Film & Photography and 3D illustration & Animation.
Products We produce
Illustrated Guide Books & Books, Museum Design & Layout, Corporate ID. Web Site Design, Marketing & Merchandising, 3D Illustration & Animation, Original Photography & Film Production, Film & Archiving Services.
Above image shows Interior of Great Northern Railway Post Office Car 42 By BenFranske (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
TimeBox Heritage
TimeBox Heritage is at the apex of our corporate structure containing divisions such as:
TimeBox Heritage Publishing, ArtWorx Studios, TimeBox Heritage-Pictures, TimeBox Heritage-Merchandising & TimeBox Heritage-DTC.
AVRO Heritage Museum Woodford
Here is a link to Woodford Heritage Museum. http://avroheritagemuseum.co.uk/
Creative Members

We use Digital Systems, Media and Modern Methods to service our Clents requirements. We produce: Guides, Corporate ID, Promotional Memorabilia, Historical Books, Advertising and marketing materials.

Craig Lynch
Craig is part of our new generation of designers and produces all sorts of wonderful designs and concepts.
His thoughtfully considered and visually stunning artwork allied with a logical approach to satisfying a clients needs results in producing design solutions beyond expectations.

Darren Harbar
Having a worldwide reputation for his stunning aviation work. Darren is a high-flyer and leading light in producing Air-to-air images taken from photo camera aircraft. Shown off in our publications and display exhibits.
Darens work also covers a range of commercial imaging services including commercial photography and photography training.

James Goggin
A member of the International Society for Aviation Photography
(ISAP) and awarded associate membership of the Royal Photographic Society (ARPS).
James has become a dedicated image maker with the vast majority of his work in the field of military and vintage aircraft.

Tanya Geddis
Once the copy is in layout and before publishing, Tanya ensures that any remaining errors are corrected.
This is just one of our QC checks before final printing.
Tanya will go through the copy multiple times covering: headings, pagination, layout, fit and content. Tanya will also put herself in the place of the reader and will make sure that the document makes complete sense on its own merit.

Alex Eason
Using state-of-the-art 3D scanning technology, Alex takes us to the next level, and creates real-time 3D 360-degree virtual reality walkthroughs, allowing anyone anywhere to view scenes close up and in photo-realistic detail.

Paul Stanton
At a fraction of the cost of previous aerial imaging techniques, Paul provides fast, effective and award-winning creative CCA-certified aerial photography and video. By using unmanned UAV aircraft with working cameras. Paul pulling back the joystick creatively applies his photographic skills to the exciting new medium of ‘Drone Airographics’ and 4K dynamic video shoots.

Corporate Members

Harry Makings CTO
Bringing more than 40 years of experience in the industry Harry provides design leadership for 2D art working and 3D imagery.
As a Founder Member Harry offers iconic design approaches to clients requirements – Design leadership to our Art-Working Studios and is engaged in developing intelligent environments for cultural heritage sites and museums.
Also: All things Graphic and 3D.
Computers & Networks.
Technology Solver.

Adrian Satterthwaite MD
As a founder of Timebox Heritage Adrian brings over 40 years of expertise in master planning with a strong artistic focus on concept design, printing, publishing, photography and exhibit design.
Devoted to developing an unparalleled service in leadership focused on quality, value, visionary solutions and client liaison.

Richard Hall
As a Senior Partner and founder Richard likes nothing more than seeking out fact and writing history. Dedicated to our guide book and book publishing Richard creates a balance between narrative, analysis and evidence in a true historical style and has become a valuable and well respected member.
Richard is a keen aviation photographer, historian and researcher since the 1980s. Specifically developing a strong interest in aviation around the Battle of Britain, Bomber Command and the 8th USAAF Air-force. He has an open impact on our stories across the board were his creative style and tone of writing is clear and straightforward.
Richard is also passionate about aircraft preservation, and owns his own English Electric Lightning T.5 XS420 based at the Air Sciences Museum located at Farnborough's historical aviation site in North Hampshire.